The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

+INDIA ACCELERATING+ Has Contributed Significantly To Good Governance in India

There is a pattern to good governance, straying from the course, mayhem and anarchy, media brouhaha and again being brought to the table by a series of course corrections. It appears the BJP government whom many supporters like me brought to power has not yet been able to create a system of governance with a team guiding the Prime Minister. Things should not happen in staccato mode with auto pilot not functioning properly and being switched off and on. PM Modiji realises that the country cannot be run in this way and is in understanding that it’s far too dangerous and nebulous to think that the destiny of the entire country can be guided on how one person feels about governance or politics.

Hence he has felt the need to set up a team and systems to guide the day to day functioning of the PM and the country. The Hon'ble PM Modiji must guard against narcissism and sycophancy to which many erstwhile Congress leaders succumbed to and thus paid a very heavy price for it. To the credit of PM Modiji, one must admit that he takes gentle criticisms positively and he works hard to overcome his shortcomings. That is the reason a sizeable following and constituency has evolved around him.

INTERVENTIONS FOR COURSE CORRECTION: +INDIA ACCELERATING+, a public interest blog, has been initiated to set the direction of the country’s governance from an objective standpoint with a large frame of reference across time and space so as to give the political leadership a guiding path in the rough and tumble of politics where one can lose his bearings and focus very soon. The blog has been set up to evolve the systems, processes and models for effective governance in a purposeful India in the light of greater understanding, knowledge and insights. 

The blog seeks to analyse trends and forecast implications with solutions for India from a global economic, political, military and technological perspective; tracking the rise of RIBSA and emerging markets and analysing their interplay with India. +INDIA ACCELERATING+ is a public interest blog dedicated to applying mental faculties for the good of the country and the betterment of the countrymen and strives towards evolving intellectual systems and governing models for the effective functioning of the state, instilling a compelling vision of a vibrant India in the political class and motivating millions of brilliant Indian minds towards a common purpose so as to transform India into a dynamic economic, military, technological and intellectual power.

GIVING EACH HIS DUE: It is a fact and has been substantiated by experience that Indians are very poor team players, each individual likes to hog the limelight at the expense of other team members, Indians don’t give credit and recognition to their own countrymen who make path breaking initiatives, Indians don’t promote merit and talent, Indians prevent social change pioneers from earning a decent living and sabotage the work of these pioneers all with the aim of promoting their own interests and agendas, Indians have a strange liking for poverty and frugality and revel and celebrate it and sneer at attempts to create wealth and make a decent living; Indians have a tendency to go in a hundred different directions if there is no force holding them together and keeping them focussed on their purpose and helping them to stay the course. 

Indians don’t give innovative people respect, honour, credit, recognition and instead brutally sideline and suppress them. Hon'ble PM Modiji must show the way in a crisis situation like this. The Budget session of the Parliament has begun  and this ability of the ruling dispensation will be tested to the fore. The first step in doing so and ensuring a cordial and positive atmosphere is to acknowledge the work done and the contributions made by the Indian National Congress and some other national parties/ regional parties in the country’s development and governance over the last 60-70 years. The INC and other national parties have not been twiddling their thumbs for the last 60-70 years but have made substantial contributions thus contributing to the growth of the country.

GUARDING AGAINST NARCISSISM AND SYCOPHANCY: India has been in existence since millenniums. We are one of the oldest surviving civilisations on the earth. We have overcome divisions, disruptions, invasions over the last 5000-7000 years. We are home to the world’s most astounding discoveries. We are not a johnny-come-lately or a banana republic. The leader of such a great nation must have the psychological balance, fortitude, self conquest, self control, self awareness, courage, knowledge, wisdom, foresight and insight. The essentials for a country’s leadership in the current knowledge and information age is to first have situational awareness, contextual intelligence, big data management and analysis and the learnings therefrom, cross cultural sensitivities and team players, setting the direction and ensuring goal focus. 

When 1.3 billion people are focussed towards a common goal then they will move forward with a formidable energy and will be an unbeatable juggernaut. We must sink our differences and focus on our commonalities and shared values. We must not seek self glorification  beyond a certain point and we must be wary of flatterers. The BJP must tweak its power policy a bit. It should not be attaining power at all cost but power with legitimate efforts and keeping the guiding principles in mind. In this context, booking and taking firm action against those indulging in seditious behaviour overrides concerns of losing alliance with PDP in J&K and being out of power in J&K. 

The BJP must realise what are the priorities for the country at any given point and should not go into hiding mode or foreign jaunts when faced with trouble at home but must face the stormy headwinds with courage and sagacity. Further, there must be a sustained effort to project the positive work done by the government on a sustained basis in the various media outlets. Many mature Indians feel that the media is preoccupied by reporting anti-establishment, anti-country programmes, violence and crime which create a nauseating feeling among the viewers. A law must be brought in immediately for the  print, online, broadcast media to spend at least 40 per cent of their time and space in reporting positive, good news and certain programmes of DD.

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