The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The United Nations should Tackle Terror the Unconventional Way

The spate of terrorist attacks, and it only gets worse every passing year, in both Islamic and non-Islamic  countries should be a warning to world governments. The world it seems has no clue on how to handle this new form of war and governments are unable to fight this menace or find the root cause of it. Any sane and sensitive person would feel the pain and suffering of the families of those killed by either a bullet, a knife or a bomb. Governments are groping in the dark unable to form a viable counter strategy to nullify terrorism. What is extremely dangerous is that the attacks are getting bolder and more audacious every passing month. In this post we shall look into what drives terrorism and steps that should be taken to check it well in time.

Exploitation:  Historically, people who have been exploited either mentally, physically or whose natural resources are snatched away are the ones who will be the first to revolt. If you apply the rule of the jungle that of prey and predator—that the weak is fair game and can be exploited, then you are asking for trouble. Sooner than later, the weak will come together under a umbrella and will unite and arm themselves. They will first fight the state and the existing government and later they will target unarmed civilians because in their viewpoint if the state could exploit the weak than the weak can also target the unarmed civilian. So, the quest for a egalitarian society is not utopic but is a necessity. We have heard often that the world has enough for each ones need but not for each ones greed. We must apply that priniciple and ensure that there is equitable distribution of wealth and natural resources.

Employment:  Nothing is more demonic, sinister and sadistic than depriving a person of his means of livelihood.  Those indulging in this are guilty of a sick mind and mentality and shows a bankruptcy of character. In the 21st century, right of employment must be made a fundamental right. The governments must also set slabs for employee remuneration and the highest earner should not in any way earn more than 50 times the minimum earner. How can you have a ridiculous situation where some people earn in billions whereas the majority earn less than subsitance level. This is bound to create violence between the haves and the have nots and is bound to breed animosity, jealousy and hatred amongst people. Nothing infuriates an educated, skilled, and able bodied man more than lack of employment opportunities.  People who know they are educated, skilled, capable and yet if you snatch working opportunities from them than you are definately cooking a recipe for disaster.

Education: This is one gift that enlightens, removes darkness from the mind, removes the cobwebs of confusion and delusion, and truly empowers an individual. World governments are spending billions on non essential tasks but dont think it necessary to give or to encourage youngsters to read and study and go to school or college. Education is the second thing that must be made a fundamental right in all countries. As a corollary to that, teachers and educationists must be one of the best paid in the country and they must command respect and regard. A good education helps you to overcome the baser animal instincts and normally a well educated person would think 10 times begfore commiting a heinous crime. An educated person is of the view that the right to life is fundamental and no person has the right to snuff out the life of the other. An educated person also has interest, hobbies, and can thus divert his tremendous creative energies to fruitfull and constructive activities as opposed to an illiterate person whose energies get stagnant and turn into poison.

Respect, Acceptance and Affection: Once the basic needs are fullfilled, man craves for respect, acceptance and affection. To be loved and wanted is the surest, easiest and the most cheapest way to disarm a person. People have forgotten these basic values. They look at other with distrust, suspicion, hatred, animosity and what not. The muslim youth and misguided jehadis are also suffering from this problem. It is the states responsibility to make a person worthy in his or her owns eyes so as to command the love and affection and respect of  his fellow citizens. It is also the responsibility of the family to inculcate in the children traits of self esteem. A strong, united and caring family is the foundation on which a strong, united country rests. Therefore, if we want to build a strong and caring state we must first focus on building strong, united and caring families. A state which breaks the family structure is unwittingly laying the foundation for its own disintegration and destruction.

Sense of security:  Providing security to the population is clearly the most important task of the state. A state where the police, security and armed forces are underpaid, understaffed, demoralised, corrupt and are exploited by the politicians is digging its own deathknell. Civilians buy guns and knives when they see the state is exploiting, tormenting, harassing them. The state must not turn from a protector to an oppressor. Using disproportionate force when all that is needed is some caring words, understanding and love is also another reason why individuals come in conflict with the state. An individual or a population which feels unprotected or insecure will then arm itself and if the mental balance gets distrurnbed can use those very guns and knives at their own people. This is what is happening around the world. You get a sense of security when you know you are doing your duty and are strong, and the state too is protecting you.

Worst terrorist strikes--worldwide

compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 10 July 2016

Deadliest terrorist strikes, worldwide *

* Includes attacks resulting in at least 100 fatalities.

11 Sep 2001United States29938900crashing of hijacked planes into World Trade Center, New York City, New York, Pentagon in Alexandria, Virginia, and site in Pennsylvania, USA
26-30 Jul 2009Maiduguri, Borno, Nigeria780?armed attack on city by Boko Haram
3-4 Jan 2015Baga and Doro Gowon, Nigeria700?300?armed attack and arson of villages by Boko Haram
14 Aug 2007Iraq5201500multiple car bombings in Al-Adnaniyah and Al-Qataniyah
20 Aug 1978Abadan, Iran47710arson of theater
1-3 Sep 2004Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia372747hostage taking at school (includes 35 terrorists killed)
23 Jun 1985multiple3314mid-air bombings of Air India flight off Cork, Ireland, killing 329; bomb intended for second Air India flight exploded in Narita Airport, Japan, killing 2 and injuring 4
12 Mar 1993Mumbai (Bombay), India317140015 bombings throughout city
7 May 2014Gamboru Ngala, Nigeria310?armed attack on market, after which many buildings were set on fire
7 Aug 1998multiple3034954truck bomb explodes outside U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, destroying adjacent office building; 244 killed, 4,877 injured; within five minutes, a truck bomb explodes outside U.S. embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; 12 killed
23 Oct 1983Beirut, Lebanon301161simultaneous truck bombings of U.S. Marine and French barracks
3 Jul 2016Baghdad, Iraq292225truck bombing in market area, setting fire to crowded shopping mall
22 Sep 1997Ben Talha, Algeria277?armed attack
30 Dec 1997Ami Moussa, Algeria272?armed attack
21 Dec 1988Lockerbie, Scotland, United Kingdom27012mid-air bombing of Pan Am flight over Lockerbie, Scotland
25 Nov 1940Haifa, British Palestine267172bombing and sinking of ship carrying Jewish immigrants
20 Nov-5 Dec 1979Mecca, Saudi Arabia240600hostage taking at Grand Mosque (includes 87 terrorists killed)
21 Feb 2004Uganda23960armed attack and arson at refugee camp
29 Aug 1997Algeria238?attacks at Sidi Moussa and Hais Rais
31 Oct 2015Sinai, Egypt2240apparent mid-air bombing of Russian Airbus over Sinai after departing Sharm el-Sheikh airport; plane broke apart in midair
16 Mar 2014Kaduna, Nigeria219?armed attacks on villages of Ungwar Sankwai, Ungwar Gata, and Chenshyi
31 Oct 1999Atlantic Ocean, Massachusetts, United States2170intentional crash of Egypt Air flight off Nantucket Island by copilot
11 Jul 2006Mumbai, India209714seven bombings on commuter trains
12 Oct 2002Kuta, Indonesia202350car bombing outside nightclub
23 Nov 2006Baghdad, Iraq202260five car bombings and two mortar attacks in Sadr City, Baghdad
18 Apr 2007Baghdad, Iraq193197multiple bombings
11 Mar 2004Madrid, Spain1911876bombings of four trains
24 Dec 2008Doroma, Orientale, DR Congo1890armed attack on village
2 Mar 2004Iraq188652suicide bombings at shrines in Karbala and Kadhimiya
22 Apr 2013Baga, Nigeria18777Boko Haram attack on village
23 May 2016Jableh and Tartus, Syria184200multiple bombings
4 Jan 1998Algeria182?attacks at Had Chekala, Remka, and Ain Tarik, Algeria
14 Sep 2005Baghdad, Iraq182679multiple suicide bombings and shooting attacks
7 Jul 2007Armili, Iraq182270multiple suicide truck bombings in Armili and area, Iraq
20 Jan 2012Kano, Nigeria17850multiple bombings and gun attacks
26-29 Nov 2008Mumbai, India174370multiple shooting and grenade attacks and hostage takings (includes 9 terrorists killed)
19 Sep 1989Bilma, Niger1710mid-air bombing of French UTA flight near Bilma
23-26 Oct 2002Moscow, Russia170656hostage taking and attempted rescue in theater (includes 41 terrorists killed)
19 Apr 1995Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States169675truck bombing of federal building, causing partial collapse
16 Apr 1925Sophia, Bulgaria160500bombing by communist terrorists of Sveta Nedelya Cathedral during funeral; cathedral dome collapsed, killing mostly officials attending the funeral
25 Oct 2009Baghdad, Iraq155721two vehicle bombings at government buildings
27 Mar 2007Tal Afar, Ninewa, Iraq153351two truck bombings
10 Aug 2001Luanda, Angola152146attack on train south of Luanda
2 Apr 2015Garissa, Kenya15279attack on college campus by multiple gunmen
14 May 1985Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka15085armed attack on crowds
28 May 2010Khemasuli, West Bengal, India148180sabotage resulting in derailment of Jnaneswari express train and collision with second train
16 Dec 2014Peshawar, Pakistan148124shooting and bombing attack on school
14-19 June 1995Budennovsk, Stavropol, Russia143435hostage taking at hospital and two failed rescue attempts
17 Sep 2013Benisheik, Nigeria143?ambush of civilian traffic on highway
20 Mar 2015Sanaa, Yemen142352two bombings at each of two mosques
18 Oct 2007Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan141540bombing of motorcade for former prime minister Bhutto
3 Aug 1990Kathankudy, Sri Lanka14070armed attack at two mosques
3 Nov 1998Mitu, Columbia13830FARC rebels attack police barracks with rockets, killing police officers and 10 civilians
13-14 Nov 2015Paris, France137352shooting and hostage-taking at a theater; shooting attacks on three restaurants; four suicide bombings outside a soccer stadium and at a restaurant
3 Feb 2007Baghdad, Iraq137334truck bombing in marketplace
6 Mar 2007Hilla, Babil, Iraq137310two suicide bombings and additional attacks
29 Mar 2007Iraq137251multiple bombings in Baghdad, Khalis, and Mahmudiya
28 Feb 2005Hilla, Babil, Iraq135130car bombing outside medical clinic
2 Oct 1990Guangzhou, PR China13249crash of hijacked PRC airliner
13 Sep 1999Moscow, Russia130150bombing of apartment building
8 Dec 2009Baghdad, Iraq127448five car bombings
18 Apr 1987Alut Oya, Sri Lanka12764Tamil Tiger roadway ambush of Sinhalese in five vehicles near Alut Oya
23 Nov 1996Moroni, Comoros12748crash of hijacked Ethiopian Air flight off Comoros during forced landing off shore
19 Aug 2002Khankala, Chechnya, Russia12714Mi-26 helicopter carrying Russian troops shot down by terrorist-fired missile shortly before landing; 115 killed immediately, 12 died of injuries; 21 survivors included 14 injured
29 Aug 2003Najaf, An-Najaf, Iraq125500car bombing outside mosque
5 Jan 2006Iraq124203bombings in Karbala, Ramadi, and Baghdad
13 Aug 1990Eravur, Sri Lanka12279armed attack at mosque
28 Nov 2014Kano, Nigeria121280bombing attack on mosque
10 Jan 2013Pakistan120222bombings at security checkpoint, billiards hall, nearby street, and market in Quetta, and bombing at mosque in Mingora
28 Oct 2009Peshawar, Pakistan119213car bombing at marketplace
2 May 2002Bojaya, Choco, Columbia11980armed attack on village including bombing of church
20 May 2014Jos, Nigeria11856two car bombings at market and bus station
27 Feb 2004Manila, Philippines1189bombing and fire on ferry near Manila
1 Jul 2015Kukawa, Nigeria118?attack by 50 gunmen on village
23 Jul 2012Iraq116299multiple bombings in Taji, Mosul, Baghdad, Dhuluiya, Baquba, and Diyala
17 Jul 2015Khan Bani Saad, Diyala, Iraq115170truck bombing in marketplace
29 Nov 1987Burma1150mid-air bombing of Korean Air flight near Burma
20 May 2013Iraq113329bombings in Baghdad, Hilla, Basra, Balad, Jisr Diyala, Samarra, Mosul, Baiji, Rutba, Baquba, and Tuz Khormato, and armed attacks in Haditha
23 Sep 1983United Arab Emirates1120crash of Gulf Air flight following mid-air bombing over the UAE
10 May 2010Iraq111391multiple bombings in Hilla, Basra, al-Suwayra, Baghdad, Tarmiyah, Fallujah, Mosul, and Iskandariyah, and additional armed attacks in Baghdad
27 Nov 1989Bogota, Columbia110?mid-air bombing of Avianca flight in Bogota, killing all 107 aboard plus 3 on the ground
10 Oct 2008Orakzai, Pakistan110165truck bombing of anti-Taliban tribal meeting
1 Feb 2004Irbil, Irbil, Iraq109256two suicide bombings of political party offices
20 Sep 2015Borno, Nigeria10897bombings at a mosque, market, and football game spectators in Maiduguri; bombing of market in Monguno
9 Sep 2012Iraq106424bombings in Baghdad, Amara, Kirkuk, Taji, Maysan, Tuz Khormato, Nasiriyah, Basra, Tal Afar, Hawija, and Ar Riyad, and armed attack on Dujail army base
16 Aug 2012Iraq106342bombings in Baghdad, Tal Afar, Kirkuk, Daquq, Garma, Kut, Husainiya, Tuz Khurmato, and armed attacks in Mushahda, Falluja, Al-A'amiriya, and Baaj
21 Apr 1987Columbo, Sri Lanka106295Tamil Tiger bombing of bus depot
10 Jul 2010Kakaghund, Pakistan106115two suicide bombings
22 Sep 1993Sukhumi, Georgia10626crash of airliner struck by missile
17 Feb 2008Kandahar, Kandahar, Afghanistan10595suicide bombing at dogfighting festival
19 Aug 2009Baghdad, Iraq104568multiple bombings at government sites
24 Jun 2004Iraq103324bombings in Mosul and Baghdad; armed attacks in Ramadi and Baquba
16 Oct 2006Habarana, Sri Lanka103150suicide bombing of military convoy near Habarana
11 Jan 1998Sidi Hamed, Algeria10370attack on movie theater and mosque
10 Oct 2015Ankara, Turkey102400two suicide bombings at political rally
3-10 Jul 2007Islamabad, Pakistan10229hostage taking and army storming of mosque
27 May 2016Baghdad, Iraq101194multiple bombings
22 Jan 2007Iraq101186bombings in Baghdad and Baquba
13 Dec 1921Bolgard, Bessarabia, Romania100?bombing of Siguranzia palace in Bolgard (Ograd?) in Bessarabia
6 Nov 1985Bogota, Columbia100?50 M-19 terrorists seize Palace of Justice in Bogota, Columbia; 12 judges killed, palace is stormed, fire results and kills all terrorists and additional hostages
21 Sep 2013Iraq100160bombings and shooting attacks in Baghdad, Beiji, and Mosul
16 Jul 2005Musayyib, Babil, Iraq100150suicide bombing in marketplace near gas tanker and mosque
4 Nov 2011Damaturu, Yobe, Nigeria100100bombings and shooting attacks on churches, police headquarters, government buildings, and banks
18 May 1973Chita, Siberia, USSR1000mid-air bombing of Aeroflot airliner over Siberia
4 Dec 1977Malaysia1000crash of hijacked Malaysian Boeing 747 airliner in Straits of Johore near Malaysia

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