The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Prophesies on World War 3 And Strategies On How To Avert It

There are only two forces in the world: That’s true, there are only two forces in the world: the good and the evil, positive and negative, right and wrong, righteous and unrighteous. This has nothing to do with nationality, religion, colour, caste, linguistic and geographic affinities. It’s not about Congress versus BJP, the North vs South, Marathis vs non-Marathis, the American alliance versus the Soviet/Russia-led alliance, it’s not about black and white, its not about rich and poor, its not about upper caste versus lower caste, its not about upper class versus lower class, its not about east versus west, its not about north versus south. There are people with good and evil designs in every spectrum of society in the world. Identifying the good and evil, and realignment of forces along these lines is the only reasonable way. There are evil people masquerading as good people across different verticals and horizontals. If things must maintain their balance, the good must prevail over the evil. Right must prevail over wrong. The positive energy must overcome the negative energy, the positive attitude must prevail over the negative attitude.

Rebirth of Christ:
 Writings in Christianity believe that Christ will be reborn again to save the world. He will rise from the ashes, believers say. The rebirth of the Christ has more to do with the decline in moral values across a spectrum of society. Hatred, jealousy, lust, arrogance, covetousness etc have turned people intolerant and made them permissive. Check out the Internet and the most sought after searches are on sex and pornography. The problem here is that these two labels appeal to the primitive and baser instincts in man. But Christ in his sermons has also said that not all is lost. Sinners can become righteous. Consistent effort and a will is required. Some sects in Christianity believe that Christ will resurrect himself in the third millennia. He need not necessarily be a white man, he could be coloured and from the America’s or Europe.

The Coming of the Anti-Christ:
 Christ's rebirth will succeed the antichrist. The concept of the antichrist is in the old testament. The antichrist will be suave, will be earthly, will be given to enjoy the pleasures of the world, will be charming. The antichrist will sway the people with his oratory and mannerisms. But behind the veil of dignity will lie a devilish intention. He will be the fore-bearer of large scale wars and wanton destruction. He will galvanise people to his side and lead them to death with a vengeance. Incidentally, the antichrist is due to appear in the earlier part of this century. A poll in the US revealed that among the existing personalities, some prominent names were figured. But some believe that he could be a nobody right now and might as well be filling gas in a service station.

The Coming of Doomsday:
 Prophesies throughout the world since many centuries have predicted that doomsday should happen anytime within the next 10-20 years. There will be major natural disasters, earthquakes, fires, floods, etc. World War III is also predicted to happen around this time. Many consider the Gulf War to be the precursor of the third world war. Weapons with phenomenal destructive capability will be used. Nuclear, biological, chemical weapons will be used to the hilt. Laser weaponry will gain prominence with the third world war. Billions will die or will be maimed. Cities will be erased, nations will be vanquished, races will be wiped out, vegetation and animal life will become extinct. Third World War will not be a war between east and west as is normally believed but will be between the rich north and the poor south.

Realignment of world powers: As long as China remains a thorn in India's neck and as long as India cherishes the same democratic ideals with the US, maintaining strong, cordial and warm relations with the US is necessary. The US as a nation has many sterling qualities which are worthy of emulation. But increasingly scholars in both Europe and the US feel that the country's bellicosity and faulty foreign policy in the last two decades has had a destabilizing effect on the world and has pushed the world towards the brink of World War III. It is a given fact that with the large amounts of weapons of mass destruction now stockpiled in the world, WW3 will be the ultimate annihilation game. It will be a fourth degree game costing the world billions of life and will reverse the development game. Realignment of world powers can help prevent this. Traditionally, the US and the erstwhile Soviet Union have dominated the world stage for the last 60 years. 

Checks and balances is the best way to bay off WW3: One power block could be the American alliance led by the US, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and Australia and democratic nations including India. The second power block could be the European Union led by Germany and considering the belligerency of the US in basing missiles in Poland and close to Russia the tide could be reversed if Russia choses to join the European Union. A European Union with Russia on its side could easily and strategically check the American alliance. Unthinkable as it may now seem, the third alliance could be the Asian alliance, unbelievably led by China. Should any alliance choose to become unnecessarily belligerent, the two other alliances could come together and checkmate it. Checkers and chess game at its height. Strategic moves are often demanded by the need of the day, old alliances die and new ones come into play.

Complete disarmament:
The development of ICBMs, ABM, nuclear weapons and long range bombers have made WW3 a distinct possibility. What with the development of chemical and biological weapons, the fourth degree game becomes even more dangerous. The destructive power of the nuclear weapons have already been seen in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. However today, with the development of more powerful nuclear weapons like thermonuclear and hydrogen bombs the fallout is incalculable. The use of chemical weapons have already been seen in the Iran-Iraq war. The complications associated with biological weapons have been seen in the movies and in works of fiction. The world needs to come together to destroy these weapons. It is not possible to ask one set of countries to destroy WMD and another set of countries to have these. Total disarmament is the only answer.

Checking terrorism, sea piracy, local wars: Terrorism is the scourge of the 21st century. This is generally a reaction to being victimized or exploited by one class. It could also be a need to assert ones' broken identity and restore the damaged self esteem. A number of nations have been victims of terrorism. Spain, Britain, US, India, Japan and a numerous other nations have been suffering the scourge of terrorism. Reactions have been different right from the use of police force, to military action and even wars. The cure lies in healing the damaged psyche of the aggrieved party. Sea piracy could also assume significant or alarming proportions. Over 80 percent of the worlds trade is carried on sea and piracy on the high seas could effect the movement of supplies and lead to local skirmishes leading to large scale naval wars if the host country decides to put its weight behind the brigands. Local wars and regional conflicts can assume significance if they spread out of control. Containing these wars and maintaining equilibrium assumes importance.

Oil, water and food: The scarcity of natural resources in a world bogged down by increasing population can threaten to spark conflicts across the globe. Western analysts including US analysts have often said that the US has unleashed aggression on various parts of the world more to protect its economic interests than to protect ideological interests. Oil is a scarce commodity in the world today and is fast depleting. Known reserves can last perhaps for another 50-60 years. Nations could be tempted to launch wars to protect their commercial interest in the oil game. This has happened in the case of the Gulf War. 

The movement of missiles close to Russia by the US is also seen by some to arm twist Russia into keeping the supply of natural gas to Europe open and to protect the oil deposits in the Caspian sea area. Water is another issue which can spark wars. Today water is priced and costs a lot more than what it would 30 years back. Water is needed for irrigation and drinking purposes. Landlocked water is limited in amount and rain water often gets drained to the seas. Food security is also another issue of grave importance. Even in the developed countries, hunger is a stark reality not to forget about developing countries. Developing alternate energy resources, conserving and employing innovative methods to conserve water and to improve food production in larger acreage could help prevent further wars.

Lessons for India: India has tremendous learnings to take from these prophesies and predictions. America is on the decline and a new multipolar world led by the European Union, China, Russia and Japan will come into play. Not to say that America will lose significance but that it will lose its ability to take unilateral military or economic decisions affecting the world. America will still be one of the top 3 powers in the next 10-20 years. If you know that war is around the corner than you might as well be well prepared. It is better to die boldly fighting in battle than to die an ignominous death being trampled by enemy soldiers. It is time for India to accelerate its development programme with massive investment in infrastructure and education as this will significantly improve the rate of growth of GDP following which some 5-6 percent of the GDP can be put to defense purposes. The defense forces must be expanded given India’s landmass and population, conscription is a definite probability and martial training for civilians on a large scale should be imparted right from now.

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