The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Surgical Strike Detailed Plan to Counter Pak-backed Jihadi Terror Attacks

The calling off of NSA-level talks between India and Pakistan is a step in the right direction. The terrorist attack in Gurdaspur, continuing violence in J&K, the burning of Indian flags and the hoisting of Pakistani flags and ISIS flags repeatedly in Jammu & Kashmir is a sign of deep concern. The threats by ISIS and Al-Qaeda to target India is another matter of grave concern. But one thing we should be very clear about: the average common Muslim on the streets in India considers himself very much Indian and is committed to his Indianness and would not do anything anti-Indian. 

The government should be very careful not to harass/intimidate the innocent and loyal Muslim otherwise this could create simmering discontent but should instead monitor and bring about changes in the mindset of that Muslim  leadership which is stoking flames of fire and is creating trouble. Further, the government should be very, very careful not to use disproportionate force when all that is needed is sending a middleman in the form of a secretary or a minister to talk to the aggrieved parties, creating an atmosphere of trust and confidence, and being seen as accommodating and receptive in this and other situations.

It is clear by now that cross-border terrorism is an official policy adopted by the Pakistani state against India. Pakistan cannot get away by saying that non-state actors and fugitive jihadi groups are initiating attacks against India and that it does not have any control over them. The fact that these aggressors are operating from Pakistani soil and are trained and guided by the Pakistani Army and the ISI is tantamount to the Pakistani State attacking India through these jihadi groups in military terms with thousand slashes and bleeding it repeatedly. So the question is why is India sitting back with its arms folded, taking only reactive actions and measures in the form of counter fires, hoping to settle it with talks when in this case caliberated force is required. Terrorists attacks by Pakistan are now going on for over 25 years, and it is time India shows decisive military action. Let me elucidate how it can do it.

First we have to consider all Pak-backed terrorist attacks over the last 25 years in which thousands of Indian soldiers and civilians have been killed as an act of war and aggression by the Pakistani state. Then we have to consider that India is our home. What would a well-armed person do if an intruder comes inside his home and attempts to create or creates violence? A courageous, brave and self-respecting person would fight back fiercely, fight arms and ammunition with stronger arms and ammunition, throw the intruder out of his home, enter his den and teach him a lesson so that he dare not commit the same mistake again. The same applies in this case with Pakistan. It is high time that India initiates hot pursuit and military strikes against camps training Pakistani jihadis and India should be bold enough to do it without needing permission of others. Yes, the Indian counter strike special forces should cross the line of control and attack 10-12 Pakistani Jihadi training camps in caliberated surgical strikes with decisiveness and fierceness.

This is how it should do this. It should secretly identify 10-12 camps which are the hot bed of jihadi activities across the line of border. It should put together a team of 40-50 assault helicopters armed with heavy weaponry and heavy machine guns with 10-15 special forces troops in each helicopter with 3-4 helicopters targeting each jihadi training camp. Before the helicopters launch surgical strikes it should engage the Indian fighter combat jets to bomb selectively the targeted camps. This should be followed by the assault by the helicopters. About 500-600 special forces troops should participate in this exercise. India should ask for men from the army who should be clearly told that they won’t come back but they are being sent to fight and die for a cause. 

Of course, all attempts will be made to bring them back but in the event of any eventuality they should be prepared to die in the name of the motherland. Next, before initiating the surgical strikes, it should move heavy armament and assault brigades 5-6 kms from the international border with Pakistan. Most likely Pakistan will be taken by surprise and will be too shocked to initiate counter military move. However, if it does launch an all-out war then our army waiting 5-6 kms from the border should move into action. Following the surgical strikes, India should also put its nuclear arsenal on top alert.

However, the following things should be considered. What if an all-out war breaks out between India and Pakistan? In that event we should be prepared to fight to the last man and should boldly die in the battlefield rather than die a cowardly death repeatedly by a thousand cuts and slashes. We should also initiate steps to raise a 200-million strong civil defence force comprising of all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 40 in the light of threats by ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Secondly, what if Indians residing abroad are targeted by the Pakistani jihadi groups and Al-Qaeda and ISIS? 

We should alert Indian communities abroad through are embassies before initiating this action and they should be told to take protective measures. What if China attacks India? In that event we should partner with our allies in US, Japan and Europe. What if there is an uprising by disgruntled Muslim rebels in India? This would be few and far in between. A state of war emergency should be declared in India during the period of engagement and before initiating this action the government should take the US, Japan and opposition in the parliament in confidence through the leaders of the opposition in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha under strict oath of secrecy.  


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