The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hindu Faultlines and the Siege Within And A Gameplan to Overcome These

Off late, Hindu religion is under siege from inimical forces outside and from idiotic forces within. From outside, the rise of radical Islam culminating in heinous jihadi activities on Indian soil and all over the world, notably West, the vow by the Pope to spread Christianity in the third millennium in Asia (in the first millennium Christianity spread in Europe and in the second millennium in the Americas), the rise of liberalism and pluralism as a philosophy in the educated world and finally from Hindus within India who do not respect their religion and laugh along with others on Hindu customs when others make fun of Hindu customs (notably the latest Bollywood movie PK). So how do we build a strong Hindu society and a secular, strong and prosperous India are the main points of discussion. Here are some points which need to be looked into with due care.

The Muslim Psyche: Let's go back to 600-700 AD when Islam first came into existence. Mohammed, the Prophet, had to fight bloody and protracted wars in Mecca and Medina to neutralise his opponents and he married several times and had many wives from whom he had many children. Islam believes in force and violence and converts non-believers to Islam by the force of the sword. The Turkish Ottoman empire spread Islam to Central Asia and Europe by long and bloody battles in which millions of non-believers lost their lives. In 1000 AD, the invasions by Ghazni and Ghori on the Indian subcontinent eventually established the Muslim rule in India for 600 years in which historians estimate some 100 million-150 million Hindus were killed or died defending their faith from 11th century AD to 16th century AD. Thus we see that Islam is an expansionist religion and believes in force and violence to get what their followers want.

What Muslims Want: The Muslim elite in India has not forgotten even after the creation of a separate Muslim state in Pakistan that the Muslims ruled in India for 600 years and during this time Hindus were their subjects. The Muslim elite in India has close and blood relations with Muslim elite in Pakistan and other Muslim states. The Muslim elite in India shares all details of their day-to-day life with their counterparts in Pakistan. They want power at any cost, they want to be respected, they want jobs and wealth but are not willing to study or work hard for it. A small section of the Muslims are experts in the art of playing politics and in their opinion it is fair to deceive, masquerade, force, threaten, intimidate, lie, use violence, betray, use intrigue and treachery to get what they want. They believe that one Muslim is equivalent to a 100 Hindus and that’s why they have not given up hope of once again gaining control of the Indian state. Many Hindu leaders of the current Congress Party are married to Muslim and Christian wives and they have been indirectly running this country through their husbands.

Hindus Should Speak in One Voice: The biggest weakness of Hindus is that they are divided by many faultlines, castes, sub castes, languages, customs, muths, etc. All Hindu sects, sub castes and castes, various shankaracharyas, yogis and Godmen, the RSS, VHP and the Hindu MahaSabha along with the World Hindu Congress should meet at least once in a year and deliberate issues that are of concern to the Hindu society. Various Hindu sections should come together and form one major unifying umbrella organisation which can have various sections and various sub chapters. Different Hindu organisations in all parts of the country and abroad should be in regular touch with each others' leaders and they should formulate their common stand on all contentious issues before going public and making statements in the public. There is great strength in unity and a prospective enemy will think twice of doing anything ontoward if he finds that the Hindus are united. The supreme council should not be just one person but a governing council of at least 25-30 leaders.

Building Strong Hindu Values: The first step toward building a strong Hindu society is that we should bring the Hindu religion to the homes of all Hindus in India and abroad and should make them appreciate the richness and wealth of the Hindu religion. As a step towards this, the supreme governing council of all Hindus which I talked about earlier should bring and publish a book of 80-100 pages only in simple common man’s language which captures the essence of our various scriptures and the qualities of various Gods and this should be published in all Indian languages and dialects and all major foreign languages and should be distributed free of cost to all Hindus living in India and abroad. All Hindus must be advised to go to temples on Tuesdays and Saturdays and certain prayers, mantras and chalisas should be decided by the governing council which are the most important and these should be recited by all Hindus everyday. All Hindu temples, whether minute, small, medium or large must be registered by a supreme Hindu authority and entry must be uninhindered for all Hindus of all sections and castes and status. 

Hindu Protection Force: During the times of the Congress rule, some Hindus were insulted and treated shabbily and were often persecuted in their own country. The Hindu is regarded as weak, submissive and cowardly by the Muslims and the Christians. To counter this image, all Hindus must compulsorily be given martial training in their homes, akharas, temples, offices, colleges and schools and they must be given training for self defence and attack weapons. Along with mental endurance and strength, Hindus must also be given physical training and they should be perceived as tough people. Hindus should come to the rescue of distressed individuals like Sadhvi Pragya and Col Purohit who were framed on false charges by the earlier Congress Government. Hindus should find out who among the Congress leaders were responsible for harassing Narendra Modi with threats and CBI inquiries before the elections and they should be taught a lesson. In light of various attacks on the Hindu community, Hindus must set up a task force of protection group in all major metros, cities, towns, districts and villages. These protection groups should be galvanised into action in a short period of 2-3 hours in case a Hindu community of that area is in trouble.

Why Hindus Should Align With The West? Agreed, Hindus have a 5000-7000 year old history and we were once the world gurus and leaders. But we should not rest on our past laurels but we should learn from the mistakes of the past, work hard today for a strong future tomorrow. We should focus on the future and where we are heading and should not be overly preoccupied by our past. South east Asian countries, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Western Europe and North America have made vast strides in technology, philosophy, economy and military and we should learn from their experience and bring in best practices from these countries so that India learns and assimilates the best of all regions. Russia, China and many middle east countries are repressive regimes and we should stay away from them. Russia and China believe in communism, that is, they don’t believe in the existence of GOD, they don’t value the family structure, they don’t value individual freedom or individual enterprise and they are non-democratic. To ensure peace and tranquillity in the country we must be secular and give importance and respect to all religions so that there are no religious battles on Indian soil and so that India can focus on development and growth. We should want to build a secular and strong India but a strong Hindu society also. We should live amicably and be on good terms with minorities for our own benefit so that Hindus living in other countries where Muslims and Christians are in majority do not face danger and are protected.


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