The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Why Must Hindus Consolidate And Unite At The Earliest?


The recent meets of the Hindu Dharam Sansad in Haridwar and the Hindu Ekta Mahakumbh in Chitrakoot are a welcome step in the right direction.

A long-felt need to unify and consolidate the Hindus at the regional, state, national and global levels has just taken shape with the hosting of these two meets. Monotheistic and centralized religions like Christianity and Islam with their epicenters in the Vatican and Mecca will continue to have an edge over Hinduism because their command and control centres are well defined and they speak in a unified voice with consistent messaging. This is in direct contrast to Hinduism which is extremely diffused in messaging and practice with over 200 sects, muths and akharas making it difficult for Hindus to hold ground in their own country let alone prevail abroad. Both Christianity and Islam are aggressively expanding their global footprint thus encroaching on traditionally held territories of Hinduism. That is why Hindus must unify and consolidate at the earliest.

I would like to make some humble suggestions on how this can be done:

REVIVE THE VARNA SYSTEM: In ancient India, the prevalent system was the ‘varna’ system as opposed to the caste system. The varna system espoused personal character and qualities for the bequeathing of a surname or title as opposed to the hereditary system of surnames which became prevalent later. The varna system was meritocracy based purely on the qualities and character of the individual. Thus a common man if he was learned in the scriptures could be a Brahmin and if he had the martial qualities could be a kshatriya. The varna system is truly practiced in spirit today in the West where by a person by dint of his hard work, self elevation and qualities  can be a leader, a priest or a soldier. As a corollary, if a person had the desired qualities he could be elevated and if he was a debauche, he could be downgraded. This created a level playing field for individuals and encouraged the pursuit of excellence. Thus all men who are created equal in the eyes of GOD were given a fair chance.

STRENGTHEN THE FAMILY UNIT: The joint family system in India till recent times encouraged the overall development of the child, was symbiotic in its character, encouraged the passing down of values and wisdom from elders to the juniors and provided security to family members. With the proliferation of nuclear families in the cities and large town, this system is seeing a downfall. This has led to independence and freedom but at the cost of social, psychological and economic security. Couples have to rely on nannies to rear their young, on private tutors to teach their children and on clinical psychologists and psychiatrists to solve and help them with their emotional upheavals. Parents do not bother to  teach their children values, teachings of the Hindu scriptures and customs. Youngsters today have a very morphed and myopic view of Hinduism and thus often frown and scorn at Hinduism with open contempt. This is a dangerous trend that must be arrested at the earliest.

MAKE INDIVIDUALS MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY TOUGH: Today, the weakest link in the societal value chain are the Hindus. This is because most Hindus are not concerned about their country, they are not concerned about their fellow Hindus, and they are mostly self centered and selfish concerned first about their own well being. Most Hindus are also physically inept and timid and they prefer to dodge a burning issue then to take it head on. They are lions in the confines of their own houses and virtual wimps in public. Is this the way forward for Hindu society when danger lurks on our borders and there is considerable unrest within? Hindu children must be encouraged to undertake challenging mental and physical activities and undertake martial training. Today the situation demands that Hindus become united, consolidated, tough and prepared to take risks if they want to prosper and protect their interests. The earlier done, the better.

MAINTAIN SOCIAL HARMONY: Good people who are weak will be crushed and pulverized in today’s times. To maintain your goodness, you need to be backed by massive strength. Strength comes from unity, a concern for your fellow brethren. Martial training for all Hindus is a necessity today for survival. One can be martially trained without being a threat to other people but more so, to protect yourself. The period 2018-2025 is the most precarious in the 21st century. The likelihood of WORLD WAR 3 in Asia is a given possibility more so in the region spanning west asia, south asia, southeast asia and japan. In such an event, an estimated 800-900 million people will be dead or maimed in a bloody nuclear, chemical and biological war. The best way to avert this is by maintaining social harmony within India and in our neighbourhood so that we in India can achieve a GDP of $20 trillion by 2050AD. The best way to avert a war and to achieve our goals is by being constantly vigilant, relentless effort and a will to win.   

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