The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Six Solid Ways In Which We Can Keep India United And Integrated

Some events of the last few decades and years don’t augur well for the unity and integrity of India. Selfish motives, parochial vision, vindictiveness and a feigned superiority complex have alienated regional chieftains and populations. This is not to undermine the good work towards national integration that have been undertaken by successive governments in the four-five decades. The creation of the Central government services where cadre officers were transferred or given a posting in a different region were deliberate steps undertaken for national integration. Similarly in the state government services, officers were transferred in the different districts of the state was a step to expose them to different parts of the state.

A similar policy has also been followed by the armed forces. Officers and sepoys of the Indian armed forces are routinely transferred to different stations every two-three years thus exposing them to the cultures of different regions of India. Domestic tourism, especially pilgrimage tourism has been encouraged by successive governments thus contributing to national integration. School and college trips to different states are yet another step taken towards integration society. More specifically in the last one-two decades with the growth of urban megalopolis industrial and commercial centres, migration from different parts of India to these centres can also be seen as a step towards national integration.

However, there are some additional steps that can be undertaken to integrate different regions of India and make the country into a well oiled cohesive fighting force. We must not lose sight of our goals and always keep them steadfast on our horizon: to be a $10 trillion economy by 2035, to stabilise population at 700-800 million by 2050, to raise per capita income of an Indian to $6,000 by 2035, to be among the top 25 developed nations by 2035 and also to be among the first 50 nations in terms of human development indices. These goals are certainly achievable if our political class acts and behaves prudently in the interest of the country. Squabbling, finger pointing and digging up skeletons will get us nowhere.

TEACHING REGIONAL LANGUAGES IN HINDI BELT: People living in the Hindi belt are rather insensitive to the nuances of regional cultures in different parts of India. Regional languages mentioned in the Indian schedule must be taught to students from class 5 to 8 in the Hindi belt in addition to their mother tongue which is Hindi and English. One needs to teach the basics of the language to these students so as to sensitise them to the culture and history of different regions of India. Initially 20 per cent of schools in 20 percent of the districts in each state must implement this and gradually it must be extended to the entire state. This must be applicable to not only government-run schools but also public and private schools.

PROTOCOL FOR RECEIVING STATE DIGNITARIES: The basic need of human beings is for respect, importance and if possible affection. State dignitaries like chief ministers, governors, chief secretaries must be received with appropriate protocol and must be given due respect and importance by the corresponding dignitaries of the ruling party. State dignitaries must not be made to feel that they are subordinates or that they are not being treated fairly. Perhaps a short ceremonial band and a 12 gun salute must be extended to the head of a state when s/he visits the national capital for a meeting with the prime minister or the president. Senior officials of the Centre must maintain respectful and cordial relations with dignitaries of every state.

ALLOCATION OF CENTRAL RESOURCES: Central resources are the resources of the Indian people and thus every state has equal claim on them. To deny a state central resources or what is due to them simply because the personal equation or the personal chemistry between central dignitaries and state dignitaries is not optimum is no excuse for denying a state its due share. This is all the more important when the states are opposition-ruled states. Wherever there is a regional insurgency problem, backwardness and natural calamity befalls a state it must be immediately rescued by the central government by allocating necessary resources. This will reassure the states that the Centre is fair in its dealing with them and thus it will build trust.

CAREFULL SELECTION OF THE POLITICAL CLASS: The political class can make or break the country. It becomes therefore imperative that the selection of candidates aspiring for a political journey or public service is done with the utmost care. Merit alone will get India to where it aspires for and not a policy of appeasement or quid pro quo. Members of the municipal council, legislative assemblies and the parliament must be role models for the countrymen and they must inspire trust and respect as opposed to fear and revulsion. A dynamic political class is the single most important reason that can usher India into the league of developed nation in 20-25 years time. To impart practical and conceptual training to budding politicians, schools of governance and politics must be established in different parts of the country.

OPENING UP OF DIALOGUE WITH DISGRUNTLED SECTIONS: A case in point is the ongoing visit by the Canadian prime minister, who according to media reports has been given the cold shrug by Delhi because he and his country have given refuge to Sikh separatists as though he is the creator of the problem. Sikh separatism is a problem created within the country and fanned by our enemies notably Pakistan. Genuine grievances must be addressed immediately. The ruling party must have the humility to recognise their own faults and shortcomings and also see things from the other person’s point of view. To admit your own mistakes first and to be able to see things from the other person’s point of view are million dollar qualities which not everyone has.

RELATIONSHIP WITH THE OPPOSITION: Nothing infuriates the Opposition more than saying that they have done nothing for the last 70 years or that their leaders have been corrupt. Our ideologies may be different but we must not forget that we are all Indians first and we all wish well for the country though our paths may be different.  It needs to be reiterated that all important decisions must be taken in the two house of the parliament (the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha) and the opposition must be taken into confidence in all sensitive issues. A mature way of looking at it is that the current opposition took care of India for 70 odd years while the current dispensation was still in its infancy and was not in a position to run the country.

If we as Indian always remember our primary identity that we are all Bharatiyas and Indians first half the battle is won. Indian must be dissuaded from introducing themselves on the basis of caste, religion, region or language. India is our country and we are all one. Let us always remember: UNITED WE WILL CONQUER AND DIVIDED WE WILL FALL.

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