The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Monday, December 16, 2019

What is Hon'ble Modiji's dharma? Where is his pan-India Vision?

(I urge readers to read the post written by me titled "BJP/MODI ARE FORGETTING WHAT BROUGHT THEM TO POWER posted on 21/08/2014. The public has a short memory, but I don't---in fact, I have a elephantine memory)
BJP/Modi Are Forgetting What Brought Them To Power

There is a pattern to India’s political trajectory and discourse. When all is going well, the leadership in its overzealous mind loses focus and steers the country to impending disaster. Mindless comments, irrelevant posturing and not-properly-thought-through decisions without adequate groundwork swing the country from one extreme mood to another, from déjà vu to absolute gloom and despair. Surely we must put our minds and actions in order first and the direction of the country will follow suit.

What is Modiji’s dharma? Not to focus on leaving and building a legacy for himself (no doubt the country will remember him), not to shine in the spotlight always, not to take credit for all that goes right, not to retreat in the shadows when things go wrong but to lead from the front, not to centralise all power with himself (surely he runs the risk of being termed authoritarian), not to rush through things with ‘speed’ when what is required is treading the minefields cautiously, but to protect and implement the constitution in letter and spirit.

Then again, what is Modiji’s dharma? To truly strengthen independent institutions, not to govern by instilling fear and distrust, not to take arbitrary decisions in allotment of mega contracts, to inspire trust in the public by a compassionate and a benevolent style of governance, to first provide a sense of security and peace of mind in the general public, to protect the interests of all Indian citizens, not to champion the traditional hindutva ideology but, again, to protect and safeguard the constitution.

Then again, why is the concept of a Hindu Rashtra fundamentally flawed? Because if the RSS truly wanted it, it should have intervened when the constitution was being framed!  That was the right time to put forward its demands. Not now. If it does so, we will make a Frankenstein and a Pakistan out of India.  No one wants that to happen. One common refrain of a RSS’ite is that a Hindu cannot stay in a district in India which has a 33% or more population of Muslims.

Ask yourself why is this so? Why has the Hindu reduced himself to such a level that he cannot hold his ground? The problem lies with the Hindus and not with the Muslims. If the Muslims are more organised, have a clear command and control structure, move and act in tandem, then it is their strength. Why are the Hindus constantly in a state of divisiveness, fragmented, going in a hundred different directions, and more so, why don’t they take pride in their religion?

Does Modiji have his ears to the ground? If he had decentralised power, he would have got feedback from the ground from different ministries. But that is not the case now. Does Modiji have the courage and the guts to hear the truth? I am sure he does! Well, the truth is that today there is widespread resentment, anger and fear of the state. Basic promises that Modiji made have been brought to nought. “Modi ne humko Kangaal banaa diya,” (Modi has made all of us a pauper) is the common grouse heard on the streets.   

Quelling dissent is a dangerous and immature strategy. If you want to get a feel of the people’s pulse, let them speak their minds out. Of course, it goes without saying that people must speak responsibly. Hearing out different opinions and dissenting voices helps the person at the helm to govern effectively. When you know what is bothering the people, you can take corrective action. On the other hand, when you quell dissent, one is only distancing himself from reality.

You can either govern by conviction or by consensus, by trust or by distrust, by love or by fear. If you govern by fear or by distrust, you will alienate the masses. If you want to govern by conviction, then you can only do so if your vision, style and beliefs are accepted by the masses. That is why the safe route is to govern by consensus and trust. Trust the people whom you have appointed and share the limelight with them. Not ever forgetting that pluralism is the central theme of our polity.

It appears that the current GoI has not adequately dispelled the myths and misgivings about the CAA effectively to the public. In an interview with Times Now, the Hon'ble Home Minister debunked several unfounded misunderstandings about the CAA. If that is the case, should not the GoI have sent its spokespersons armed with historical facts and figures and the key provisions of the Act to opposition ruled states and apprised the public through rallies about the truth?

That the Act has been passed by the Parliament by majority force and in haste is little in doubt. A majority of Indians are wondering why such ‘speed’? ‘Speed’ is required on the athletic track and on the racing track, not in the political arena of governance. The proper way is that the Act should have been first put up in the public domain for feedback, wetted by legal experts from the Opposition, the suggestions should have been incorporated, and then only it should have been enacted.

With new facts emerging, it is evident that the public does not know the full truth about the genesis of the CAA. Most so-called educated people are ill-informed and mis-informed about the basic structure of the constitution. The original constitution was just 50 pages (see video below) and had a secular nature but acknowledged that Hinduism was the soul of India. The original constitution has the signature and the endorsement of several then leading Congress leaders. The Congress party which ruled India for 55 years brought about hundreds of amendments to appease a section of the minorities. Protecting minority rights is commendable, but hundreds of amendments?


The Congress could bulldoze its agenda because for a long time it had a majority in both the upper and lower houses of the Parliament. The Congress thus manipulated the constitution on hundreds of occasions to suit its questionable motive of retaining power by vote bank politics. Spreading lies and disinformation during peace time to disturb public tranquility is a criminal offence. Disinformation campaign is a state privilege during times of war. Even if the Opposition doesn't want it, is it being seen as abetting, instigating and waging violence across the state? I am sure, being responsible and experienced leaders, the Opposition's motive is not so.

As said earlier, the BJP is equally to blame for the current mess. It should have let the public know about the truth of the original constitution, put the final draft in the public domain for feedback, got it wetted by legal experts from both the sides. It is imperative that PM Modiji immediately make a public broadcast/telecast and explain to the public in a 90 minute telecast armed with historical facts and the truth about the original constitution how it was amended and manipulated several times and about the CAA.

The truth about the genesis of the CAA must be repeatedly broadcast/telecast every day for the next 10 days and public rallies should be organised by the senior and articulate leaders of the BJP in at least 100 cities and towns across India. A white paper explaining the truth should be issued to all the foreign mission heads in India as well as the international/domestic media (print/radio/TV/digital) within 24 hours. Poor response time by the BJP has already done a lot of damage to India’s overseas image and to public tranquility and peace.

250 press meetings, rally in every district: BJP’s plan to blunt CAA criticism

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