The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Magnanimity is Synonymous with Hindutva; Modiji Let the Moral Compass Guide You

Eighteen months since India’s right of centre party BJP and its grand alliance NDA sweeped to power in election 2014 with close to 400 seats in the lower house of Indian Parliament the Lok Sabha, it becomes pertinent to ask as to why BJP’s win was conceptualised and articulated in the first place. The answer is not very far or difficult to pin point. Sixty years of staggered Congress rule had systematically dented and crushed Hindu pride, self respect, dignity, safety, and honour. Not surprisingly, BJP’s erstwhile avatar the Jana Sangh was formalised with thinkers like Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, with moral support from the ever evolving and dynamic ideology of the RSS and was consolidated under the dynamic leadership of the duo of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani whose companionship for close to 40 years led the NDA to a decisive victory in 1999, post the Kargil war victory.

But post the Dadri Beef-lynching incident, the story line seems to have gone off track and looks likely to get lost undoing all the gains that the BJP has made and illustrated over the last 18 months. Remember Modiji, nearly all the countries that you have visited recently, predominantly, the US, European powers, Australia and Japan and the impending visit to Britain and the Scandinavian countries are tolerant, pluralistic, accommodating societies where the right to pursue ones faith, pursue ones customs and cultural freedom form the core of the societal values. We should protect and safeguard the rights and safety of all minorities in India. Modern Hindutva means protecting, safeguarding, upholding the honour, respect, dignity, sensitivities, customs of the entire Hindu clan in India and abroad but at the same time also extending protection, safety and freedom to all minorities in India including Christians and Muslims.

Large heartedness and magnanimity are synonymous with Hindutva and Hindus. If this was not the case, India, particularly Hindus would not have assimilated the various invaders over the last 3 millenniums in the Indian fold despite brutality, torture, and mass killings of the Hindus more specifically in the last 1000 years. To brand Hindus as bigots and inhuman is false and is a denial of the knowledge of their past history of persecution and suffering at the hands of the invaders. The Congress party cannot by any means be the guardian of secularism in India because this party has systematically destroyed Hindu culture, customs, dignity, honour, valour and self respect. The Congress is a party which stands for subjugation, violent intimidation, coercion and systematic destruction of the Hindu culture and for making the Hindu feel like a outsider and inferior in his own land. The Hindu has all the right to defend himself and his customs in his land—India.

Mr Modi, the path ahead is strewn with thorns and by now you must have realised that the Prime Ministership of India is like wearing a crown of thorns with the sword of Damocles constantly hanging over the head. Always remember the vision and beliefs which you articulated during the election campaign which steered millions towards you. These are: My holy book is the Indian constitution; my religion is Indianness; Growth and development for all; safety and honour for all; all Indians are my brothers and sisters. If you and the BJP leadership stick to these basic priniciples which you articulated in Feb 2014, a grand victory awaits the BJP/NDA alliance in 2019 again. Don't lose your perspective or your bearings when you have achieved so much good in the past 18 months. If you do lose your bearings now, India’s new friends will sneer and frown on you and the country could slide into chaos and violence. No one wants that to happen.

Mr Modi, you have taken a lot of good policy initiatives in the last 18 months. Some of these are opening bank accounts for all, insurance for the poorest, a robust foreign policy to contain China and to promote Indian interests, easy access to loans for the MSME sector, clean India campaign, and many more. But somewhere along, the BJP is not capitalising on the gains of election 2014 in totality. With 400 plus MPs, there must be a clear cut policy and strategy to channelize the energies of the 400 plus MPs in positive development work rather than in negative activities. Every MP of the BJP and NDA must be told to take a monthly stock of his constituency in terms of updating himself on the development indices of health, shelter, food, education, employment, law and order in conjunction with the state government etc and he should hold weekly mass meetings in his constituency as also visit the schools, colleges, industrial establishments, hospitals, farms, villagers, to make sure they are functioning optimally.

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