The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Modi Should Master the Art of Coalition Politics and Keep his Alliance Partners in Good Humour

India is a complex country and governing it calls for sagacity, wisdom, experience, and control. I have always maintained that the Indian leader who leads this country must have experience over youth, wisdom over dynamism and take everyone in his ambit and stride and deliberately keep a consciously low profile. He must create heroes out of ordinary members of his team and be the decision-making force from behind the scenes. Modi’s and the BJP’s strategy need to be considerably tweaked if they desire to form the government at the Centre post the 2014 elections. Two reasons can be cited for this. In the assembly elections in the capital, the BJP despite having the maximum number of seats in the assembly was still not able to form the government because AAP with a lesser number of seats was able to form the government with the support of the Congress. 

You can no longer say that you don’t seek power but want to work in an altruistic way because it is power which ensures that you will be able to provide good governance and a strong government. Therefore you must use all means possible, legitimately, to gain power. AAP is a parody because the very government it opposed, the Congress, and the very reason for its existence, it has defied it and is running haywire on the back of Congress support. Even now, the BJP in Delhi must muster the support of disgruntled elements in other parties and must try its best to form the government in the Capital (Delhi). Single-party rule era is over in India for quite some time and the BJP must be a past master and learn the tricky game of pulling together a coalition and working in its ambit. 

The BJP must eagerly reach out to other parties who are disheartened by the ruling dispensation and must stitch together a pre-poll alliance to get the necessary seats and if not then after elections it must focus on a post-poll alliance. You must seek power if you want to get it and no other party signifies this better than the Congress. They wanted to rule this country and they made sure for 60 years that they got power. The BJP too must exhibit this killer instinct. The bottomline is: you will get power only if you want it for the good of the country. It will be a pity and indeed the people will not forgive the BJP if it does a repeat of the Delhi performance in the Centre. If despite winning over 225 seats in 2014 elections it is still unable to stitch an alliance to form the government in the Centre and if the Congress with 70-80 seats and AAP with 30-40 seats and other parties come together it is very likely that a Congress led government with the support of the third front or with tacit Congress backing could once again form the government at the Centre and this could leave the BJP out in the cold, yet again. 

This is the hot gossip and stories doing the rounds in the drawing rooms of the country’s homes. So Mr Modi should learn the art of coalition politics and keep his alliance partners in good humour if he seeks to lead the government post-2014 elections. Second, the BJP has to learn how to work in unison and work in tandem. It can take a lesson from the Congress. They are experts in doing this. The entire BJP leadership, the second, third and fourth rung leaders must back Modi strongly and must counter all negative jibes which the opposition takes at Modi and the BJP. Modi in turn must create a rapport and strong relationships with the nearly 20-30 prominent leaders of the BJP at the national level and must extend respect, courtesy and importance to them. At every Modi rally, he must be backed by 5-6 state level BJP leaders and 7-8 national level BJP leaders. 

The state leaders must talk about district, state and regional issues in that order while the national leaders must talk about state, regional and national issues in that order and Mr Modi and a couple of prominent BJP leaders must also talk about international issues apart from state, regional and national issues. Before every rally, deep research by roping in local experts and research on newspapers/magazines and internet must be done on local, state and regional issues which are dear to the local people and which they relate to. The protégé (Modi) must have the backing of the mentor (Advaniji) as no shishya can ever aspire to complete his task without the blessings of his guru. Modi must mellow down a bit, he must learn to endear himself to others, especially his own party members, the people of this country and even to the Opposition.

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