The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland managed telescope development, while the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University operates Webb. The primary contractor for the project was Northrop Grumman. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Modi Must Maintain A Centrist and Moderate Outlook With A Right of Centre Appeal

That Modi has started some new public welfare initiatives thus keeping the masses excited is indeed laudable. In order to capture the public’s interest and imagination, Modi and his government must come up with a public welfare initiative at least once every 2 months. Until Modi does this, he is likely to lose the public’s attention and best wishes. The other thing Modi has to consciously resist are the shrill calls for strident Hindutva which keep emanating from certain quarters in the RSS and the Hindu community. In governance, you have to pander and cater to all classes, faiths, and regions and Modi should not be seen as pushing the Hindutva agenda radically. It is best for his survival in the tricky minefield of Indian politics that he maintains a centrist and moderate outlook with a right of centre appeal.

NATIONAL INTEGRATION AD: It is indeed deplorable that in the recent 6-8 months there have been reports of physical attacks and assaults on boys and girls from the north-east region in some of our metros.  This is a dangerous trend and reflects ignorance and a non-accommodating outlook in the majoritarian population. The government must sanction the making of 3-4 versions of national integration ads which show 15-20 people in each ad from all faiths and regions including people from the north east and the minority religions. The screening of these ads must be made compulsory in all national, regional and local TV channels, print media and the social media. 

OVERSEAS INDIAN EMBASSIES: Indian consulates and embassies in foreign countries should play a more active role in promoting and protecting Indian interests in these countries. For one, they must safeguard the interests of the Indian population in these countries, counter negative perceptions and reports about India in these countries, identify areas of trade, business, scientific and technological collaboration between the host countries and India, and serve as information and intelligence gathering centres on issues of Indian interests in these countries. Embassies must analyse the developments and ongoing happenings in the host country and send feedback to the MEA in New Delhi on how this affects India.

India must conscientiously promote and cultivate relationships with open, democratic and stable countries as matter of policy. In addition to the pivotal relationships with the US, Japan, Israel and Australia we must cultivate other relationships as well. Thus Japan being a gateway to South-East Asia,here we must cultivate South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam in addition to the South Asian countries from Afghanistan to Burma. We must strive to maintain a stable environment in our immediate vicinity. Similarly, South Africa is the gateway to African continent and we must befriend 5-6 robust democracies in Africa and middle east too. Germany is the gateway to the European Union and in addition to Germany, we must cultivate relationships with France, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, United Kingdom and all the Scandinavian countries. In the Americas, in addition to the US, we must befriend Canada, Brazil and 4-5 robust democracies in North and South America. We must also identify and cultivate 8-10 potential emerging markets with whom we share common ideals.

GIVING DUE IMPORTANCE TO ALL FAITHS: While it is good that Modi is protecting and serving the Hindu interests which were neglected under the erstwhile Congress government, he must not alienate the other faiths. Modi must visit an important shrine of the Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs at least once every year. No sect and religion in India should feel neglected or disowned under the BJP rule. Besides Modi must not limit his visits to Benaras only but should visit happening cities, towns and villages in all states and regions proportionately periodically once every 3-4 months not forgetting the crucial north-east. Unless Modi quickly builds a pan-India appeal and is seen as representative of the entire Indian soul, he runs the risk of being relegated as a regional Gujarati public figure.
Modi must meet his key constituencies and stakeholders on a regular basis. Thus he must meet the top defence brass, secretaries and the diplomatic brass once every six months. He must call a meeting of his ministers once every 3 months. He must meet all his Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha MPs, state chief ministers and state chief secretaries at least once every year and should get effective feedback through well laid out MIS. Similarly he must meet all the inspector generals of police of all states and the chiefs of all intelligence services once every 6 months. This practice must be repeated by all his ministers too and they must meet their key constituencies and stakeholders once every 6-12 months. This will ensure that he and his ministers are able to communicate the policy guidelines and the expectations on a regular periodic basis.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

To Win the 2019 Elections, A Great Leader Like Modi Should Address His Shortcomings too

Campaign management comes naturally to Modi/Shah and they are natural and effective managers in this arena. That they have successfully steered the fortunes of the BJP in the recent assembly elections in Maharashtra and Haryana which are indeed worthy of note.